Every Candidate attending for Certificate Verification at Help-line Centre is requested to follow the stages as indicated below:
Stage–1: Candidate Registration for Certificate verification:
- Wait for the announcement from authorities of Help Line Centres for Registration.
- After announcement, hand over the rank card to officer at entrance.
- Wait for your turn in the registration hall.
- When your rank is called pay processing fee and obtain receipt, furnish your mobile number.
- Collect the Registration-Cum-Verification form from computer operator at Registration counter and verify whether your mobile number is printed correctly or not.
- Collect the Scratch Card, retain with you as it is required for Option Entry.
- Enter details i.e. hall ticket number, rank etc. in the Register and append your signature.
- Your registration is completed. Go back and wait in the registration hall for announcement.
- After announcement by the officer at Registration counter, report at Verification counter for certificate verification.
- Verify the details printed on Registration-Cum-Verification form for local area, sex, Minority, category, Special Reservation category, date of birth, Scratch Card Number, Mobile Number, Fee Reimbursement Eligibility etc. for correctness.
- If there is any mistake, report to verification officer for correction.
- If you belong to SC/ST/BC Category, report to Caste Verification officer and submit the original Caste Certificate for verification and clearance. After Caste verification report to one of the Certificate verification officers.
- If you belong to Open Competition (OC) Category, directly report to Certificate verification officer.
- The Officers will verify all your original certificates like Rank Card, Hall ticket, Marks memo, Study certificate, income certificate etc.
- A Print out of Receipt of certificates will be given to you and if you find any discrepancy, report to the Chief Verification Officer for correction. Append your signature after verifying the data.
- Proceed to the Briefing Hall to take instructions on exercising options.
- Exercising options means you have to select college and courses you wish to join and arrange them in the order of priority.
- Download the List containing colleges, courses and their codes, courses offered and course codes, Manual option form and retain with you.
- The Officer in Briefing Hall will explain the procedure of exercising options and filling of Manual option form.
- Seat allotment process depends on the accuracy of the data. Ensure for correctness of the data in the fields: Local Area, Sex, Minority, Category (BC/SC/ST), Special reservation category (PH/CAP/NCC/Sports), Fee reimbursement eligibility (Yes/No) (You are also jointly responsible for ensuring the Correctness of data. No request for alteration of data will be allowed after the time for exercising options is over).
- Go through the College profile, availability of courses, duration of the course, prospects (job/academic opportunities) after studying a particular course. Discuss and decide on your interest on a particular course, distance from your place, availability of hostel, your family background, financial ability to move away from your place. Arrive at a list of as many numbers of possible options on a paper.
- Also, consult your parents/friends on the selection of courses and Colleges you wish to join.
- Take the Manual option form fill in the district code, College code and course code you wish to join in the order of preference against the option number.
- Allotment of seats will be done based on Rank, Local Area, Gender, reservation category etc., in the order of preference you have chosen.
Allotment will be made as per your choice of the option numbers depending upon the number of vacancies available in a College and in a course for your sex, local area, and category. If vacancy is not available in Option.No.1, Option.No.2 will be considered for allotment, if vacancy is also not available in Option. No.2, Option.No.3 will be considered for allotment and so on. The allotment will not proceed to the next rank candidate till the list of your options is completely searched for availability of a seat. HENCE, CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO ENTER MORE NUMBER OF OPTIONS TO AVOID THE DISAPPOINTMENT OF NOT SECURING A SEAT.
- It is not necessary to give options in a sequence all the courses in a particular college.
- Candidates can enter any number of options of any College in any order of his choice.
- Candidate is advised not to enter options for which he is not interested to join.
- You may refer to data corresponding to Last ranks of previous year available in http://apicet.nic.in in selecting your options, which is only an indicative
- For entering options on computer screen, filled-in manual option form is essential. It will save your time and minimize your chance of making mistake in option entry on web.
- You can enter the options from home or from any internet café or from any Help Line Center with the help of your filled- in manual option form.
- You must have already completed certificate verification(Stage 1 and Stage 2).
2. Generation of password
3. Option entry
4. Log out
Further Information LOGIN http://apicet.nic.in/